Congratulations Boys' & Girls' Basketball teams! Both teams won 2nd place in the Kingsville basketball tournament.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
basketball team
Math team winning big!! Congratulations! Mattthew Kozlenko, 1st - Algebra 9 Maisie Richardson, 2nd - Algebra 10 Karli Smith, 5th Matthew Richardson, 4th - Pre-Calculus Olivia Butler, 5th - Geometry 9 Kristen Streck, 1st , Trigonometry Alice Yatskivskaya, 2nd Matthew Richardson, 3rd Aubrey Hollon, 2nd - Word Problems 9 Olivia Butler, 4th Maisie Richardson, 2nd - Word Problems 10 Karli Smith, 4th Kristen Streck, 1st - Word Problems 12 Matthew Richardson, 2nd Maisie Richardson, 2nd - Manual Computations Grace Walker, 5th Kristen Streck, 1st - ACT Questions Matthew Richardson, 5th 1st Place Team 10 Grace Walker, Karli Smith, Maisie Richardson and Kit Shane 3rd Place Team 11 Zoe Richardson 1st Place Team 12 Matthew Richardson, Kristen Streck and Alice Yatskivskaya Top Sophomore Maisie Richardson, 2nd Place Top Senior Kristen Streck, 1st Place Matthew Richardson, 2nd Place Top School Overall NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL, 2nd Place
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
math team
top math senior
geometry ribbon
trigonometry winners
Christmas fun at NWHS!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Spirit Days
Christmas Concert December 7th
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Christmas concert announcement
Congratulations to the Girls & Boys Basketball teams on their wins last night in the Kingsville Basketball Tournament. Tomorrow night both teams are playing for a Championship. Girls' game is at 7:30pm and boys' game is at 9:00pm. Come out and support the teams if you are able. Go Mustangs!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
clipart of basketball
NOTICE OF FILING FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Filing dates for the Board of Education are as follows: 8:00am-4:00 pm Monday through Friday beginning Tuesday, December 7th through Friday, December 17th & Tuesday, December 28th from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Please call the school at 827-0772 if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
KinderStart Thanksgiving tasting party!
over 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
3rd Grade Geography Dioramas
over 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Kindergarten Thanksgiving play and parade!
over 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Parent Reminder: You may access your child's grades through our website at Under the "For Parents" tab choose the parent portal. Your children may also login in the same location with their login information. If you need your login information please email the counselor, Mrs. Walker at
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Check out some of the beautiful arrangements greenhouse students created yesterday.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
student with floral arrangement
student with floral arrangement
student with floral arrangement
Matthew Richardson represented Northwest High School today at the Rotary Luncheon. He was recognized by the Sedalia Rotary Club as our November student of the month. Congratulations, Matthew!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Student with award
Student with parents and award
Positive referrals for hard work and showing great character! Way to go, Mustangs!
over 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
The 8th grade class went on a career exploration field trip this week with Mrs. Walker to the Career and Technology Center at State Fair Community College. While there, they got to tour all 9 of the amazing career programs the CTC has to offer. During their junior and senior years, our students have the opportunity to participate in free technical training at the CTC. Close instructor contact and hands-on experience connects students to entry-level employment, advanced job training, entry into college programs, entry into apprenticeship programs, or entry into military training. Depending on their life goals, the CTC prepares them to enter the workforce upon graduation and equips them with the knowledge to continue their education. Here are a few snapshots of their day.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
student with sign
student with sign
We’re excited to announce we have been selected to participate in the state’s Missouri Postsecondary Advising Initiative, which will place trained advisors into high schools, alongside school counselors, to provide students with individualized college and career support. Northwest High School is among 40 schools statewide selected to participate in 2021-2022. Thanks to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and rootED Alliance for helping us better support our high school students to prepare for lifelong success!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
rootEd news
REMINDER: We have school Monday and Tuesday next week! Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week we are out of school for Thanksgiving break. Please be here next Monday!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
school building pic
COVID Update: We currently have 1 positive case in the district. Thank you to parents for keeping children home when they are not feeling well. Most importantly, this keeps our children and employees healthy and also keeps our close contacts and positive cases very low. Please contact the school with any questions or concerns.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Mr. Bybee and a friend stopped by today to teach our 1st graders about Veteran's Day and the American flag.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Congratulations FFA Trap Shooting Team! Our 1st squad placed 3rd at the Area shoot and the 2nd squad placed 15th. Congratulations to Matthew Richardson for placing 3rd overall and David Thomlinson for placing 10th overall.
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
trap shooting
trap shooting
Congratulations to Monty Cornine for placing 3rd yesterday in FFA Districts in fall public speaking!
over 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
the word congratulations