The Pettis County R-V School District has an immediate opening for a custodian. Please contact the school at 660-827-0772 or afagg@nwmustangs.org for additional information or to apply. Thank you

The first day of school was awesome!

The first day of school is tomorrow!

We had a splashing good time at the pool party!

Dear Northwest Community,
We are eagerly anticipating the return of our students to school! We were very glad to have been able to complete our school year in-person last year and have every intention of completing this year in-person as well. We are scheduled to return to school this fall on August 24, 2021. We will return to school under our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction (SRCSP) plan which is posted to the homepage of our website. This plan is required to be re-evaluated periodically and you are welcome to provide input.
We encourage everyone to remain at home when they are not feeling well and will continue to provide a home health screening tool (checklist of symptoms) for students and staff. We will not screen all students for fevers at the beginning of each day. Currently it is required, per federal order, for all people to wear face coverings while on school buses. Masks will be provided on the buses for all students. Masks are not required at school. However, students will be supported fully if they choose to wear masks. Students who are placed on quarantine will be provided alternative methods of instruction while away from school.
Together we can best serve our students. Thank you again for your continued communication and cooperation with the school district.
Amy Fagg

If your child is interested in participating in any extracurricular activities this academic school year at Northwest High School, please try to make the pre-season parent meeting this Monday, August 23rd at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Director at abalbirnie@nwmustangs.org.

Updates for this school year:
Students nor employees are required to wear masks at Northwest schools. Per a federal order, all people are required to wear masks on school buses. Masks will be provided for every child on all school buses. More information will be coming out shortly about requirements and processes for this school year. Please email the school at afagg@nwmustangs.org or call 660-827-0772 with any questions. Thank you

Junior high practices start this Monday, August 16. All practices will be at Northwest High School. Parents, please make sure your child has an up-to-date physical or they can't participate. If you have any questions, please contact the athletic director at abalbirnie@nwmustangs.org.
Football: 8 AM - 10 AM
Volleyball: 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM
Cheerleading: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

High School 7th Grade Orientation & Open House. Orientation for 7th graders will be Monday, August 23rd 6:00-6:30pm. Open House for high school students will be Monday, August 23rd from 6:30-7:30pm. Hope to see you all there!

Elementary Open House


Any Junior High or High School students interested in playing soccer at LaMonte High School, please contact Coach Balbirnie at abalbirnie@nwmustangs.org. Practice starts at LaMonte High School on August 16th from 4-6 pm.

Ms. Bagnell received her 2021 Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association Turn the Key Award. Congratulations! We are proud of you!

The first day of school is almost here!!! Open House for the elementary will be Thursday, August 19th and Open House for the high school will be Monday, August 23rd. We will share additional information in August. We are looking forward to students returning to learning. See you soon.

For any high school students interested in participating in Cheerleading, practice will be August 9-11 from 9 am to 11 am at Northwest High School. Please make sure you have a physical. If you have any questions please contact me at abalbirnie@nwmustangs.org.

Congratulations to Mason Locke for receiving a Sr. Swine Showmanship award!

Congratulations Hunter Arnett for receiving a Sr. Beef Showmanship award!

We will be back in school before you know it. The first day of school is August 24th. We will share information for Open House, at both buildings, in August. Looking forward to seeing students back in the classrooms!

School Supply List

For the 2021-2022 school year all students will again receive free breakfast and lunch. This is possible due to a continued waiver from the USDA. Please contact the school at 827-0772 with any questions.