Northwest High School is looking for a Family and Consumer Science (FACS) teacher and a Business teacher for next school year. With the current teacher shortages in Missouri the school is willing to consider individuals without teaching certificates to fill these roles. Anyone hired will have to have a substitute certificate (which we can help you obtain) and must pass background checks. If you are interested in working with young people - making a positive difference then please apply. If you have questions about requirements, responsibilities, schedules, pay, benefits, etc. please contact the principal at or the superintendent at or call the school at 660-827-0774.
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
school logo and tag line
Elementary MAP testing begins tomorrow! Here are a few tips for student success: • Be aware of the test schedule. Be sure to find out which days and times students are testing. • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest and a good night’s sleep. Continue going to bed early throughout testing. • Make sure your child eats a good breakfast at home or at school. It helps with concentration and focus. • Be on time for school, and be at school every day during testing. Attendance during MAP tests is important. • Avoid scheduling appointments that can be done at a later date. • Dress your child in layered clothing. This way, he/she may add clothing to get warmer or remove some clothing to be cooler. • Have a positive attitude and reinforce that it is just one test we want them to do their best on, but not a measure of their abilities as a student!
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Update: The Baseball Conference Tournament Championship game has been moved to Wednesday, April 27, with a 7:00 pm start time @ Liberty Park in Sedalia, Mo.
almost 3 years ago, Anthony Balbirnie
Congratulations Daniel!
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
pic of student  & info about his Eagle Scout award
Surplus Property For Sale 20 T8 lights 3 fireproof file cabinets Old high school concession stand building Sale will be made through silent auction. Interested parties may make bids in the district office at 16215 Hwy H, Hughesville, MO Tuesday through Friday April 26th through May 6th. The office will be open for bids from 8:00am to 4:00pm each day with bids closing at 4:00pm Friday, May 6th. Winning bids must be paid and items collected by Wednesday, May 18th. Please contact the school with any questions at 660-827-0772.
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Congratulations!!! Ms. Marsh has been nominated for Regional Teacher of the Year through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Great job!
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
pic of teacher celebrating
Softball game for today is cancelled.
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Picture Day for Northwest Elementary School is tomorrow, April 21st. To order pictures, use code 67624BF.
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
A huge congratulations to Daniel Younger-Loesing and Mathew Richardson on signing a letter of intent to trap shoot at State Fair Community College.
almost 3 years ago, Anthony Balbirnie
What a great Family Reading Night! Thanks to everyone who was able to make it and many thanks to Mrs. Reid for putting it all together.
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
We are introducing a new system of delivery of progress reports to high school students and parents. See the information below.
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
grade cards info
Best of luck to the following students headed to State FFA Convention for competition! Matthew Richardson Jordan Hensley Abby Martin Valerie Meyer Austynn White Daniel Younger-Loesing Karli Smith David Thomlinson Alexis Jolly Shelby Dotson Monty Cornine Sidney Douglas
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Tonight from 5:30-7:00!
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Flyer for every kid sports
flyer for paying for kid sports
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
order your yearbook sign
Come support your Northwest Baseball and Softball team for youth night on April 14th. After the game, meet and greet the players and play catch on the field!
almost 3 years ago, Anthony Balbirnie
Congratulations to Softball & Baseball teams for strong victories in last night's games.
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
baseball bat & helmet
Come out for a delicious meal tomorrow night!
almost 3 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Update: Today's baseball game vs. Sacred Heart is at Liberty Park. The start time is still at 5:00 pm. Also, there will be a food truck at the baseball game. Today's softball game vs. Sacred Heart is at Centennial Park, field number 2. With a 5:00 pm start time. There will be no concession stand for the softball game.
almost 3 years ago, Anthony Balbirnie
April 2022 Menu
almost 3 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
April Menu